As we delve into this week’s Throwback Thursday, I am reminded of a significant milestone in my journey of service and leadership. On March 21, 2013, I had the honor of receiving the Humanitarian Award from the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC). This accolade is bestowed upon individuals who have shown a steadfast commitment to fostering respect and understanding across diverse racial, ethnic, and religious groups.
Reflecting on that momentous day, I remember standing amongst a group of influential figures who have significantly impacted my life and emphasized the essence of servant leadership. Being the youngest recipient of this award in its nearly 50-year history at that time was not just a personal achievement but a collective acknowledgment of the efforts and values we cherish in our community.
Fast forward to this year's 2024 VCIC Awards Ceremony, which I attended on March 21, the memories of that day flood back with profound nostalgia and gratitude. It’s these moments that compel me to pause and contemplate not merely the accolade itself but the profound impact of our collective actions on the lives of others. Having a heart devoted to service is what truly shapes us and propels us to make a difference in the world.

My experience with the VCIC and the recognition I received are emblematic of the pillars that underpin my campaign for the Norfolk City Council. These pillars - unity, inclusivity, and community service - are not just political stances but are the very essence of my personal and professional life.
As I strive to serve the Norfolk and Greater Hampton Roads Community, I am continually inspired by the endless possibilities that lie ahead. It is my dedication to serving others and the community that has molded me and drives my commitment to our collective future.
This Throwback Thursday, I am filled with humility and reflection, reminded that true leadership is about the impact we make on the lives of others and the legacy we build through service. Together, we can continue to foster a community that values inclusivity, understanding, and the power of a united effort for the greater good.
Disclaimer: The mention of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC) or any individuals in our content, including images, does not imply their official endorsement of Carlos Clanton for Norfolk City Council. The reference to organizational names, individuals, and images is for historical and contextual purposes only, and should not be construed as an official partnership or endorsement by these entities or individuals of the campaign.